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How do I set up D-link AC3200 Ultra Tri-Band - dlinkrouter.local

D-link AC3200 wifi router setup: Step1: Setting Up Hardware Connections: Disconnect the power to your Modem to be used by unplugging the power adapter from the power outlet. Attach the modem to the D-link AC3200 wifi router at the WAN port, that is yellow coloured, of the router using an Ethernet cable included with the router. Plug the modem back to the power and turn it on. Next, connect your D-link AC3200 wifi router to the power outlet through the power adapter and turn it on. Wait for 2 minutes until the status power LED on the modem and the router turn on and are stable. Allow the D-link AC3200 wifi router to boot up for 1 minute. Attach your computer to your D-link AC3200 wifi router using an Ethernet cable at any of the 4 available LAN ports on the router. You can also attach the computer or other wireless device such as mobile phone to the computer wirelessly over default wifi settings.  Step2: Accessi...
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